Six Ways to Avoid Failure in an Information Technology Project
Whether it’s a data center transformation, a cybersecurity update or onboarding a new computer system, your information technology project is sure to pose a challenge to your company and your staff. However, the person shouldering the biggest burden of all, and making it all happen smoothly, is the IT project manager. They take responsibility for making sure all aspects of the project are functional, on schedule, and on budget.
The IT project manager should have the experience to understand what it takes to bring a project from initiation to closeout. Without that kind of knowledge, your project is bound to hit lots of bumps and roadblocks on the road to success. Managing a project is not entering a few tasks on a Microsoft Project plan. There is a great amount of work that goes into the implementation of an IT project.
How can a project manager ensure an information technology program will not fail?
First, Have A Clear Understanding of the Project.
If you were asked to put a puzzle together blindfolded, it would be pretty hard, wouldn’t it? Similarly, it’s important that the information technology project manager understand the complete scope and purpose behind the project and know what the big picture will look like when the project is completed. All too often, projects tank because the people implementing them do not understand the “why” behind what they’re doing. The IT project manager needs to know how the project will ultimately benefit the company, the customers, and the employees. Knowing this, they can unite the team members towards a clear, common goal.
Second, be a Participant in the Planning.
A project manager does not have to be technical to successfully plan and implement an IT project. Conversely, the IT project manager should have a good understanding of information technology to allow him or her to recognize the impending problems with a plan and immediately bring them to the attention of the team. It is crucial for the IT project manager to be involved in all planning stages. He/she can save the company thousands of dollars and hundreds of man hours by building a plan with the right vendors, people, and processes to ensure the project is done as efficiently as possible.
Third, Know Your Staff Resources.
Often, the professionals assigned to work on an IT project are already part of the operations team. They split their time 50/50 between working on the project and their regular operations work. However, there will be critical times where they will need to prioritize their project work or the entire implementation will suffer. When timing is critical, any delay in the critical path can cause disaster for all involved. It is up to the project manager to communicate well with these 50/50 staff team members so they, in turn, can prioritize their time and concentrate on the project 100 percent when necessary.
Fourth, Have Visionary Risk Management.
For a project manager working on an information technology project, anything that can go wrong should be factored into the overall plan. An IT project manager who fails to do this may find themselves at a loss when things go awry, i.e., the delivery of a hardware is delayed or out of stock, or a team member is unexpectedly absent. Having backup vendors and human resources at the ready can keep a project moving and earn the gratitude of the entire team!
Fifth, Develop An Effective Communication Pipeline.
A good IT project manager is an expert at communication and will designate a key point person in every department and vendor involved with the project. The more vendors involved in a project, the more carefully a project manager must communicate the company’s expectations, deadlines, and key concerns. Vendors have their own agenda so when closing that contract to do business with them, it is critical for them to understand the requirements and deadlines of the project. Making sure that a vendor project manager is assigned to work with the customer project manager is crucial. Having the customer project manager be the main point of contact is also critical because they can ensure every resource is engaged if and when needed.
Finally, Have A Strong Grip on the Budget.
There’s nothing worse than a project that spins out of control, causing the budget to balloon. The budget should be one of the IT project manager’s chief concerns, and a savvy project manager will have built in enough dollars to cover any contingencies including possible change of scope. Staying on budget can make or break a project.
Avoiding failure in an information technology project isn’t easy, but it can be done. An experienced IT project manager, like Lurdez Consulting Group, can help you in every stage of the process, from conception to completion. Call us today to discuss your next project.